

Oranjelaan 32
1901 TZ  Castricum
The Netherlands
Telephone Amsterdam: + 31 20 6686888
Mobile: + 31-653 838888


85 Glenhuntly Road
3184 Elwood Victoria
Telephone: +61 95312418



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TON WERNER SPRUIT (Castricum, The Netherlands, 1964), lives in Amsterdam, (Baarsjes)/ Amsterdam-West, The Netherlands.
In 1975 his life lines cleared with his father WERNER under a bright, starry sky in Fontainebleau, France. From 1985 he studied languages, history, cultural antropology of South, East and Southeast Asia and tourism in The Netherlands and Germany. In the USA and the Asia Pacific Region he was active in aviation, hospitality and mining industries. VILLAJET® studies and location research emerged into a presentation and pre-feasibility study presented to the Peoples Republic of China and the South East Asian region until 1998 when VILLAJET® was interrupted. In 2001 he promoted the Asiatic Art Association: in the Rijks Museum, Amsterdam, founded REPROMASTERS and the KANDELAARCASTRICUM foundation. He maintains memberships with aviation, infrastructural, architectural and historical and antiquity societies and companies in Amsterdam area.
Travelling the continents, the travel hassle, needless regulations and inadequate faulty systems were the extra fuel to steam op the VILLAJET system and presentation.
Werner+TW1965Ton Werner and his dad in winter 1964 -65 in Holland.
Grandfather Ton Spruit at Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, winter 1958.
We have done our best to retrace the beneficiaries of the archive footage and images. If any one or a company can prove that permission of the use of the archive footage and or images was required, we ask to contact us within two months after publication on our site.
VILLAJET®: Chamber of Commerce registration number: 37070 888, Projects And Trade P & T, Amsterdam, Kingdom of the Netherlands. USPTO Trade MarkUnited States of America, the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), Madrid, Spain, the Benelux-Bureau of Intellectual Property, BOIP.INT, The Hague & The Dutch Tax Office, Arnhem, Kingdom of the Netherlands
ING Bank, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. EURO account. Bicnr.: INGBNL2A, IBAN number: NL08 INGB 0000 160508
of Ton Werner Spruit.



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